Tezos tradeable on Bitpanda.com
Bitpanda.com, Europe’s leading retail exchange for buying and selling cryptocurrencies enables Tezos (XTZ) trading.
Link: → Bitpanda.com
Buying Tezos is now possible with:
Credit Card (EUR, GBP, USD, CHF)
Neteller (EUR, GBP, USD, CHF)
Skrill (EUR, GBP, USD, CHF)
Klarna (EUR, GBP, CHF)
SEPA (Euro)
Wire Transfer (CHF & GBP)
Currently trade only — What does that mean?
Bitpanda releases every new coin in trade only . A few weeks later sending and deposits are available.
Support for Europe
For depositing Fiat you need to do the KYC. Only supporting Europe.
For depositing cryptocurrency there is no KYC needed.
Find the link below:
Link → Bitpanda.com
Other useful links:
Where can I store Tezos?
To get more infos on storing Tezos visit:
What is the current Tezos price?
For a quick overview on the Tezos price you can find the Tezos price ticker here:
To buy (or sell) Tezos on Bitpanda: Bitpanda.com
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