How to find the best Tezos price!

Tezos Tezard
1 min readDec 1, 2019


Tezos (XTZ) coin is now listed on several exchange. To find the cheapest price currently you can simply have a look on the “Tezos Best Price Ticker”. Just follow the 4 easy steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. To find the best Tezos exchange rate go to the “Best-Price-Section”
  3. The best price is the highlighted one.
  4. To buy Tezos simply click on the “Buy Tezos” symbol. The website redirects you to the exchange.
Tezos Best Price Ticker

The website uses real-time market prices. Please note that the displayed one can vary to the real exchange rate, as the market can move.

Link to the website:

More exchanges will be added soon!

Kind regards


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Tezos Tezard
Tezos Tezard

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