How to check the current Tezos coin price?
The Tezos price results from the exchange rate to any other currency for example US Dollar, Euro, Yen or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
XTZ is the abbreviation for Tezos. This shorthand symbol is normally used to show you trading pairs and the value of one Tez.
For example:
XTZ/USD — shows you the Tezos price in US Dollar (for one Tez you get x Dollars)
XTZ/EUR — shows you the Tezos price in Euro (for one Tez you get x Euros)
XTZ/BTC — shows you Tezos price in Bitcoin (for one Tez you get x Bitcoin
There are multiple ways to find out the current price of the Tezos cryptocurrency. We created an easy and simple price ticker to check the latest Tezos price.
Prices are shown in Dollar and in Bitcoin.
Tezos can be worth more or less on the exchanges. The difference is called spread and can be used for arbitrage trading.
To check the available exchanges to buy Tezos you can visit:
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