Full Ledger Support of Tezos — How to update to the latest version!
Today Ledger released the full integration of Tezos.
The Tezos Ledger App was only available within the “Ledger Developer Mode”. Today LedgerHQ welcomes Tezos to the Ledger platform with full integration.
How to set up your device and Ledger Live properly.
Always use the latest software version due to bug fixing.
How to set up Ledger Live:
Not installed yet?
— Download:
Already installed?
Step 1: Update the software.
Log into Ledger Live:
Step 3: Update your Ledger Live and your device firmware to the latest version
Step 3.1: Check the Firmware of Ledger live
If an update is available click “Update now”
The current Firmware is 1.3.2
Step 4: Check the firmware of your Ledger device
Update to the latest firmware 1.5.5 if you not already did.
Your Ledger has not enough storage:
Uninstall your apps:
Note: There is no need to send your funds somewhere else, the private keys are restored as they were set up initially.
Update the fimware of your hardware wallet:
Follow the installation guide:
After completing the update install the Tezos app again.
If you updated to “Tezos Wallet Version 1.5.0” you are done.
Baking on your Ledger:
The securest way of baking your Tez is to keep them on the hardware wallet and delegate your baking rights.
For more info on delegating on your Ledger hardware wallet →
(incl. video tutorial on Windows using Tezbox)
Happy Baking
KR Tezard
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